01.07.2013 Bid Winner - task work contract

In relation to the selection procedures regarding the job bid dated 01.07.2013, regarding the hiring of a professional to be taken with the project contract, we inform you that, after careful analysis of the skills of the candidates, by checking the curriculum, it is decided to adopt the following person:

Violi Antonio

Procedure for selecting curricula for task work contract

On 01.07.2013 has been started the procedure for selection of a curriculum for a project contract. The candidate must have a MSc (or one cycle) in Computer Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management, Computer Science or Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering. On 01.08.2013 will be provided for the hiring of a person who will go to take care of the following activities: 


01.12.2012 Bid Winners - n°2 task work contract

In relation to the selection procedures regarding the announcement dated 01.12.2012, on the assumption of two professionals to be taken with the project contract, we inform you that, after careful analysis of the skills of the candidates, by checking the curriculum, it is decided to take the following persons:

For Profile 1: Rende Francesco.
For Profile 2: Massimo Stella.

Procedure for selecting curricula for task work contract

On 01.12.2012 were initiated the procedures for selecting curricula for project contracts. The candidate must have MSc (or one cycle course) in Computer Engineering, Computer Science or Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering.